Tag Archives: speak up

The Backstory of Child Abuse

The Backstory of Child Abuse
Verbal Abuse has a lot of kids growing up with los self esteem. Don't be the one it comes from.

Verbal Abuse has a lot of kids growing up with los self esteem. Don’t be the one it comes from!

Ok, it’s been a week and I haven’t said much but some people know where I stand on the issue. I still saw 2 new posts yesterday …. one of a teenaged girl having sex in a classroom with 2/3 boys, a parent grabbing his toddler by the arm and swinging him while beating him to shut him up and now a 4 or 5 year old boy and girl wining on each other. A few months back it was a mother holding a gun to a baby’s head. It makes me sick absolutely SICK!!

SICK! Arrested! What is the reason for this?

SICK! Arrested! What is the reason for this?

Yes I grew up in the age of getting the big ruler on my hands and the thick cowhide leather belt… but it’s getting a little extreme… I hate seeing kids so rude and ill behaved. I think this generation probably just like ours, parents just don’t know what to do anymore. Probably just the wishes of our parents coming true.. “When you have kids you will see how hard it is”

What they see and hear is absorbed into their young minds.

What they see and hear is absorbed into their young minds.

But you have to ask..what is the outcome of what is being done? What is the bigger picture? The big debate today is whether we should beat these kids. I think the debate should encompass a lot deeper issues than the final punishment.. It’s like going to a courtroom and saying she killed the man, throw her in jail and throw away the key, without hearing the back story that he beat her senseless and was coming at her with a gun.. We need to see the back story.. the bigger picture.. and we all have one!

Only pedophiles see children the same as adults!

Only pedophiles see children the same as adults!

All these videos showing up on Facebook of Kids having sex and getting beaten… In normal countries filming this kind of thing is called child pornography and you get locked up for it.. it’s filming children in a lewd conduct or sexual behaviour… I’m actually surprised they are still on Facebook when very similar “nudity” and the likes gets pulled off. Instead of beating these teens. Let them know that it’s child pornography before it happens. Let them know they can talk to you not be afraid of you. Let them know what the criminal justice system is and that it’s a criminal offence. Cyber bullying is a criminal offence… so is this really less bad that they haven’t figured out how to police this yet? Every computer has footprints, they can track this shit!

The 5 year old kids don’t know what they doing.. they think they just dancing.. they are following what they see ADULTS doing.. Who put them up to it should be beaten! Who showed them the example? And when they become teenagers everybody wanna say “give dem licks” when they ignore teachers, spit on people for talking to them, and worse having sex on camera in the classroom? Why didn’t you teach them then what you expect from them as people living among society before they reach this age? I guess that’s what these parents are doing! They teaching them it’s cute to grind on a girl… so that when they become teenagers and their hormones are raging (cause we have all been teenagers) they will know what to do with it. Remember monster’s aren’t born, they are made!

Are you the monster that your child is afraid of?

Are you the monster that your child is afraid of?

I’m tired of people saying I don’t have kids so I don’t know what I talking about. I know that kids have their own mind and no matter how much you try to beat and torture it out of them.. those minds “Absorb” the VIOLENCE they are being taught as well as the SEXUAL BEHAVIOR they are seeing all around them. The definition of Child abuse actually incorporates showing children sexual acts as abuse. People say “it’s just dancing”…Then why is it a problem  when the 12 year old lifts her skirt and does it on a boy’s dick and comes home pregnant. There is appropriate dancing for a certain age! Some people will hear me sounding like parents did for “Dirty Dancing” the original version. I’m not saying ban the music.. I’m just saying the onus falls on the adults.. You have to be the change you want to see in the world.

There was one person who commented that there should be a permit for people to be parents.. am I forced to agree with that? Every man jack feels because they want a baby or they are pregnant that they should be able to mind one. WRONG! In this same breath I want to thank all the people who acknowledge that they would not be capable of taking care of a kid and don’t succumb to societal or family pleas for grandkids. Thank you for not having Kids, you know a child is not a doll.

A child is not a doll

A child is not a doll

I am familiar with the Caribbean and the culture there. I grew up there. This is why I can see that it’s not this generation to blame or the one past. Or the one before that. We can’t go back in the past and change what has been done as much as we would like to. The thing is, we just need to stop blaming now and try to find a solution to the archaic slave mentality that has us in this mess. I think we can be much more creative with punishing bad behaviour. I KNOW kids can be mischievous but they are not EVIL! They only know that they are playing. Why as a mother you don’t want any man hitting you, you don’t want your own mother to come into your house and hit you, but you think it is ok to hit someone less than half your size and strength. They cannot defend themselves.

Stop Child Abuse

Stop Child Abuse

What the heck? Who the heck are you?


154895_10151945062942831_1016729734_nOk, so I been trying to do this blogging thing. Not much of a writer in the first place, but I am trying. I figure there is not much left to talk about in the world except the things that people refuse to talk about. People always trying to be polite and politically correct.. and “oh, once it’s on the internet, it’s on there for good”… Well that works out just fine by me cause I’m not trying to run for Mayor (Apparently I have to be one up on crackhead for that job anyway). The days of being just right for everyone seems to be over.

I think I mentioned before that I grew up in a city where everyone knew me and I acted like a rude little rich girl because I thought I was, more or less. Not financially, no no, of course not. I only got some second hand barbie dolls when I was about 14. Never had anything brand name and for that I am grateful.. cause I still don’t fill the pockets of the corporate giants.  What I mean is, I had to hold my head up and talk to people with perfect grammar, not wear my skirt above my knees and couldn’t go camping with the church youth group cause, (I still don’t know the reasoning yet) *shrugs shoulders*. I wasn’t even allowed to go to the cinema because that’s where girls got pregnant. Or the beach for that matter cause the same thing happened there. And if you think I was given a proper introduction to my period (shhh, I said the P-word)… Nope.. I was scared shitless to tell my mom. The words couldn’t come out. I just took her by the hand and showed her the stain on my sheet. The words couldn’t come out because I was pretty much always silenced. Do you think I would even dare tell anyone when or how I lost my virginity??

I was told I was lucky. Lucky to have an education, lucky this, lucky that, lucky, … but it cheapens the work that I put into it. It wasn’t luck that made my parents spend their savings to put us kids through school. Nor am I lucky now. I still have to work to get what I want. If someone accidentally dropped a winning lotto ticket in front of me and I never had to work another day in my life that would be luck. I’m beginning to think luck doesn’t exist. I’m not one of the lucky ones. I’m grateful things work out sometimes the way I push for it to. Sometimes it doesn’t… if it did I would be a millionaire by now.

And BTW, you know what “I don’t fit in that box.” The box you want to put me in. I don’t really fit in any box though.

That’s just the way the world is, we can’t hope for an orange to be an apple… yes people love labels so that their mind can put things comfortably into little boxes… we love definitions in order to explain things and figure out what we dealing with. The problem lies when we have two very different things like an orange and an apple and group them together as fruits. Everything and everyone in the world is different and fits into different categories.Because what when girl A dates boys, is a feminist, is black; girl B dates girls, doesn’t care about feminism, is white; Boy A dates girls, is a feminist, is white…. Boy A and Girl B fit in gender preference box and race box, but he is also in another Box with girl A for feminism…. Doesn’t he feel like he doesn’t really belong anywhere?.. and this is usually the case with most of us… because of boxes and our uniqueness we often feel like we don’t fit anywhere. But I try to see the world differently.. I think of myself as an Everywhereian and a Nowhereian… a little bit of everything.. and comfortable and happy to adapt!

I have always wanted to say the things I couldn’t or nobody would. So that’s what I’m doing here. I hate when my friends who sit with their phone glued to their face take 3 days before answering my text… thanks, you all showed me I’m just not that important to you and don’t deserve such respect. To my ‘friend’ who takes offence to everything I say, well you can be sure I don’t need the stress of worrying if you are offended. I am who I am, and not changing for nobody!.. And yes that was a double negative, but I don’t care! To the ‘friend’ who talks about me behind my back, one day you will notice your small existence doesn’t revolve around me. To the one who always tries to contradict everything I say, Shut up and just listen for once. Sometimes a person just needs someone to listen… not to find fault in everything they do or say… just be a friend! To the friend who hurt me by stealing from me, I care about you so much cause we have been friends for so long and want to forgive you, but I can never truly trust you again, so I don’t think the friendship would work. And as much as it can be a distant friendship, everything in my gut is telling me you will do it to me again, and it will be my fault.

I don’t wanna be rich, I don’t wanna be a prude, I don’t care to be perfect. I wanna be a free spirit. I wanna give love and hope and allow people to be frustrated and be able to help them. I wanna be humble…and a person who just takes care of the world. Oh to hear people say, you can’t change the world, uuughh! you can! I have so many solutions for the worlds problems in my head that sometimes it’s easier to just minimize my mind to just my first world problems. My dad once said you can’t save who doesn’t want to be saved.. but sooo many people do!!! I also do think though that I can’t help others if I can’t even help myself. But you know what, I have said many times, if you aren’t going to do anything about it, just shut up about it.images1186_86687

I want to say that some things are really stupid and some things are awesome. Some people always giving others flack for speaking their mind. This is why I do it here. It’s my own blog. I want others to hear… thats why it’s a blog. But if you don’t like what I have to say… say it on your own blog… now I’m wondering if I should even post this. Eeep! But I’m probably not done saying all I have to say anyway! Sometimes you need to let things out to get rid of the headache.